This "Sandbox" site is designed for public viewing and testing the HIC, PIT, PULSE
and AHAR data collection screens.
It does not contain all the functionality planned for the final site.
To participate in the HIC, PIT, PULSE or AHAR, you must log into and submit your actual data there.
To use this sandbox site, first create a sandbox account, from the login page.
Creating a login allows you to return to any previous testing work.
Internet Explorer Users:
If you are experiencing issues with long-running script errors while entering your community's data into HDX, it may be due to the settings of your web browser.
For instructions to change settings, please click here. You may also want to try using another web browser, such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
About This Website
The Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX - is an on-line tool designed to allow Homeless Continuums of Care to submit data to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Data gathered by HDX is intended for HUD and community use only. Public data sets are available at the HUD Exchange or by contacting the specific Continuum of Care (CoC).
CoCs use HDX to submit data to HUD for the following reports:
These reports are based primarily on data collected and maintained in Homeless Management
Information Systems (HMIS).
Users who are the designated contact for submitting their community data may login or register for an HDX account at:
To view or test the AHAR, HIC, PIT or Sys PM data collection screens, CoC contacts or HMIS vendors may use the HDX Sandbox website. Data entered or submitted via the HDX Sandbox will be not be reviewed or accepted by HUD.
Post-Submission Changes to the HIC, PIT or Sys PM Data
CoCs should make sure that their Housing Inventory Count (HIC), their Point-In-Time (PIT) Count, and their System Performance Measures Report data submissions are complete and accurate in HDX before submitting it to HUD.
However, in the event that a post-submission change is needed to your HIC Count, PIT Count, or Sys PM Report submission, you will need to register a request to re-open those HDX modules through the "Ask a Question" service on HUD Exchange.
To submit your request, within the "my question is related to" section, navigate to the "Report Systems" topic and select "HDX: Homelessness Data Exchange (including PIT, HIC, AHAR, Sys PM, and PDX)." Next, in the subject line section, note whether the question is HIC or PIT related. Please include a specific reason for your request in the question narrative.
Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR)
The Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) is a report to the U.S. Congress on the extent and nature of homelessness in America. The report is prepared by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and provides nationwide estimates of homelessness, including information about the demographic characteristics of homeless persons, service use patterns, and the capacity to house homeless persons. The report is based primarily on Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) data about persons who experience homelessness during a 12-month period.
The Housing Inventory Count (HIC)
The Housing Inventory Count collects information about all of the beds and units in each Continuum of Care homeless system, categorized by Project Types. Beds and units included on the HIC are considered part of the CoC homeless assistance system. Beds and units reported in the HIC are dedicated to serving homeless persons, or for permanent housing projects, dedicated for persons who were homeless at entry. For the purposes of the HIC, a project with dedicated beds/units is one where:
- The primary intent of the project is to serve homeless persons;
- The project verifies homeless status as part of its eligibility determination; and
- The actual project clients are predominantly homeless (or, for permanent housing, were homeless at entry).
CoCs are required to include in the HIC all projects in the CoC that are categorized as one of the following Project Types and that provide dedicated beds for persons who are homeless. This includes projects funded by the other federal agencies (e.g., VA, HHS), faith-based organizations, and other public and private funding sources.
The Project Types included in the HIC are:
- Emergency Shelter (ES)
- Transitional Housing (TH)
- Safe Haven (SH)
- Permanent Housing (PH)
- Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
- Rapid Re-housing (RRH)
- Other PH (OPH) – combines two project types from the 2017 HMIS Data Standards:
- PH – Housing with Services (no disability required for entry); and
- PH – Housing Only
Point-in-Time Homeless Persons Count (PIT)
PIT Counts provide counts of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night. Counts are provided by household type:
- Households with at least one adult and one child;
- Households without children; and
- Household with only children
Additional information is further reported on subpopulation categories, such as homeless veterans, homeless youth and people who are chronically homeless.
System Performance Measures (Sys PM)
The intent of the System Performance Measures (Sys PM) report are to encourage CoCs, in coordination with Emergency Solutions Grants Program recipients and all other homeless assistance stakeholders in the community, to regularly measure their progress in meeting the needs of people experiencing homelessness in their community and to report this progress to HUD. HUD uses system-level performance information as a competitive element in its annual CoC Program Competition and to gauge the state of the homeless response system nationally.